Figure K-ONtact!

April 27, 2009

Initially, I thought that my plea for K-ON! figures was answered, but then my hopes were dashed by this caveat: these are only trading figures. I now feel like a pothead who was just dealt a bag of oregano. Although I might still pick these up if I find them in the dealer rooms of whatever conventions I might find myself at in the next few months (probably Otakon).

Is it me though, or do Mio, Ritsu, Yui, and Mugi all look like they had a little too much of the snacks that Mugi brings into the club room? There are some serious thunder thighs on these girls. This band really needs to start playing death metal and crowd-surfing to work off those extra pounds that Yuji (the trading figure company making these) put on them. Still anxiously awaiting scaled PVCs, Figmas, and Nendos of my K-ON! girls.

Also, as a huge fan of the PS3 game Valkyria Chronicles, I noticed this and immediately geeked out. It’s Selvaria, one of the Empire’s generals and Valkyrur dominatrix supreme. As I just played through the DLC, including the Imperial missions where you get to play with Selvaria (“Behind her Blue Flame”), I am definitely hyped for this figure.

Is that a Valkyrian lance you are holding, or are you just happy to see me? (Don’t worry, she’s not a trap)

I’d get “behind” her “blue flame” anytime, although Alicia is still my favorite.

Via NekoMagic