Second Day in Japan – My Wallet Weeps

June 2, 2009

As I said in my previous post of my first day in Japan before I conked out due to jet lag, I was going to hit Akihabara hard today. Although my merchandise buying spree was tempered by the fact that I already had a huge shipment from HobbySearch coming in this month, I found myself a nice set of rare figures to take home with me.

This is the view out of my hotel room. Day started off a little overcast, but no real precipitation occurred, and it never got too unbearably hot either. A very nice day to go a-pillaging the unsuspecting stores of Akihabara.

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First Day in Japan – No Figures (Yet)

May 31, 2009

Just got back from a short day in Akihabara, and about to pass out due to jet lag. Will power through this, although this post might end with a jumble of letters if I fall asleep on my keyboard.

Took off from Philadelphia International Airport early in the morning, arrived at Detroit Int’l, and then boarded my Northwest Airlines flight to Tokyo – Narita Airport. Spent most of the flight playing Resistance: Retribution on my PSP, and then watching the new episodes of K-ON! and Eden of the East on my laptop, and then sat cursing the heavens as they both ran out of batteries while I was still three hours away from Tokyo.

I finally touched down, went through customs, and picked up my luggage. Then I went to purchase a train ticket to make my way into Akihabara, where my hotel was.

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